Monday, August 17, 2015

Nepal Education Foundation


Nepal Education Foundation (NEF) was built up in 1996 by a gathering of similarly invested, experienced educationists, profoundly dedicated to the reason for advancing quality instruction in the nation. The educationists and in addition the business visionaries, who are advancing the instructive organizations under the umbrella of NEF mean to make these establishments focuses of incredibleness, giving a wide mixture of instructive administrations of the most astounding quality. Under the NEF umbrella, there are as of now three schools: Xavier Academy

Governing body

  • Prof. Dr. Sriram Bhagut Mathe
  • Author Executive Chairman, NEF
  • Previous Dean, Institute of Engineering (IOE), T.U.
  • Previous Director, Center for Applied Research & Development (CARD), IOE, T.U.
  • Author Campus Chief, St. Xavier's College, T.U.
  • Previous Campus Chief, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, T.U.
  • Mr. Umesh Shrestha
  • Executive, NEF
  • Author Principal, Little Angels' School
  • President, PABSON
  • Executive, Small Heaven School, Chitwan
  • Author Director, Ideal Model School
  • Prof. Dr. Pramod Bdr Shrestha
  • Previous Executive Chairman, NEF
  • Previous HOD, Mechanical Engineering Department, Institute of Engineering (IOE), T.U.
  • Previous Director, Center for Applied Research & Development (CARD), IOE, T.U.
  • Previous Campus Chief, Thapathali Campus, IOE, T.U.
  • Prof. Harsha Narayan Dhaubadel
  • Previous Executive Director, Research Center for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID), T.U.
  • Previous Nepalese Ambassador to India
  • Prof. Dr. Hridaya Ratna Bajracharya
  • Specialized guide, UGC Second Higher Education Project
  • Guide, Curriculum Development Center (CDC), MOES, Government of Nepal
  • Previous Executive Director, Research Center for Educational Innovation and Development (CERID), T.U.
  • Dr. Roshan Chitrakar
  • Program Specialist (Education) UNESCO, Islamabad
  • Previous Assoc. Prof., CERID, T.U.
  • Previous Project Director, Community Literacy Project, World Education
  • Mrs. Pramila Singh
  • Author Principal, N.K.Singh Memorial English Preparatory School
  • Mr. Narayan Bajaj, FCA
  • Executive, Narayan Bajaj & Associates
  • Previous President, Nepal Chartered Accountants Association
  • Previous President, Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nepal
  • Prof. Dr. Sriram B. Mathe
  • Executive of Nepal Education Foundation Consortium of Colleges, Nepal (NEF-CCN)
  • Author Executive Chairman, Nepal Education Foundation (NEF)
  • Previous Dean, Institute of Engineering (IOE), Tribhuvan University (TU)
  • To start with Campus Chief (Principal), St. Xavier's College, TU
  • Previous Campus Chief, Pulchowk Campus, Institute of Engineering (IOE), TU
  • Previous Director, Center for Applied Research & Development (CARD), IOE, TU
  • 'We are what we over and again do. Perfection, subsequently, is not a demonstration, but rather a propensity.' - Aristotle

Dear Prospective Students,

The above saying - to exceed expectations and to make greatness a propensity - from Aristotle has been a lasting motivation to every one of us in Xavier Academy. It is our enduring journey for magnificence that we offer to our understudies. We welcome our understudies to be a piece of this energizing adventure. Our endeavors have reliably made Xavier Academy one of the main ten +2 organizations in the nation from the earliest starting point. From the first year of our operations in 1997, with the first cluster graduating in 1999, we have accomplished superb results. Amid the most recent four years, we have made more than 95% progress in both science and business with the outcomes in the most recent two years right around 100%. We are glad to be evaluated as of late as the seventh best +2 establishment in the nation. It is a direct result of the trust set on us by our understudies, over a wide span of time, their guardians and watchmen, and large portions of our well-wishers and in addition the dedication of our workforce and managerial staff, that we have been fruitful in accomplishing fabulous results consistently.

As somebody, who has been showing and overseeing instruction organizations for right around 40 years, I feel extremely pleased to have been the Founder Chairperson of NEF and XA and the fundamental individual managing the school's advancement and advancement.

We are focused on our maxim of 'Scholarly Excellence and Total Personality Development', which we received when we began our school in 1997, and have endeavored to be an 'Establishment that minds' from 2002. We have had our offer of issues and have done our best to conquer the numerous difficulties that have come our way in the course of recent years. We are completely mindful that coming to the top is troublesome yet staying at the top is much more troublesome.

At the point when connecting with our imminent understudies, I would prefer not to draw in them by making untoward guarantees. Our amazing reputation justifies itself with real evidence

The understudies will without a doubt think that its extremely hard to pick the right school to coddle their yearnings. Xavier Academy does not claim to be the best school in the nation, however its reputation of the last right around 17 years positively makes it one of the best universities in the nation. The last right around 17 years have been an extremely energizing and edifying excursion for me by and by. I have seen this school develop from a pioneer group of 48 understudies to a school with right around 600 understudies. Our understudies have exceeded expectations in their studies, as well as have exceeded expectations in their picked calling. Without a doubt, I am glad for every single one of my understudies, who have selected in this school, picking this school rather than the numerous different universities.

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