Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Mission Of Nepal Youth Foundation



Essential standards and qualities are the center of each association. These are its "character," recognizing it from others. As a component of our obligation to our numerous supporters, we share our center qualities here.

Our Mission

The Nepal Youth Foundation offers trust and chance to Nepal's most bankrupted youngsters by giving them what is each kid's claim: imperative medicinal services, instruction and a protected domain.

Our objectives
• Increase access to instruction for youngsters in Nepal

• Improve the nature of instruction accessible in the nation

• Improve the soundness of youngsters all through Nepal

• Empower Nepali youth to accomplish their potential

• Enable young ladies in Nepal to get level with treatment and training

How we accomplish our objectives

• We take a profoundly individual way to deal with the kids and families we serve, notwithstanding when that takes additional time and vitality.

• We underscore the advancement of individual and social obligation in the kids we bolster.

• We bolster just youngsters who have no other open door for instruction or a superior life.

• We profoundly appreciate and regard Nepalese culture and society, and endeavor to advance them in the kids.

• We ensure and advance the family unit wherever conceivable.

• We serve Nepalese youngsters and contract staff without respect to position, religion, inability, ethnicity, or political association. We effectively cultivate resistance and assorted qualities.

• We are non-converting and unaffiliated with any religious gathering.

How we create and execute projects and responsibilities

We consider important the trust that a subordinate youngster spots in us. We guarantee that we have the fundamental money related and logistical dependability before we tackle youngsters who will depend altogether on us. We won't surrender these kids once they enter our fold (they have been sufficiently relinquished in their lives).

Moreover, we guarantee that we have adequate logistical and budgetary backing in dispatching projects before making guarantees to Nepalese groups.

Since we can't do everything, we do completely what we can do – whether a little demonstration or a noteworthy project – from commencement to finish and postliminary.

We deal with NYF's development painstakingly, creating projects in the connection of neighborhood need, potential, and cooperation – not regarding authoritative aspiration. We support "moderate however beyond any doubt" development that includes Nepali groups and associations.

In the meantime, we esteem our agile capacity to slice through formality and act rapidly – and deliberately – precisely when required.

We organize intercessions that can make noteworthy, persevering upgrades in kids' lives. Hence we accentuate training, the main way a stranded or poor youngster in Nepal can break out of the cycle of neediness.

We inventively "package" our mediations with supportability measures. Case in point, while we restore a malnourished kid's wellbeing, we show his or her mom how to get ready by regional standards accessible sustenances to avert future malnourishment. We likewise prepare moms to impart this important data to different families back at their towns.

How we deal with our interior undertakings

Since we are energetic about our main goal, we are financially reasonable, working "operating at a profit" so we have the capacity to convey on our duties.

We take extraordinary pride in extending the compass of each dollar gave to us. Since we work in a creating nation, we can perform such a great amount inside of our financial plan. We feel gigantically mindful to our givers' liberality.

We see ourselves as the "arms and legs" of individuals around the globe who need to help kids. These individuals – our benefactor accomplices – have communicated their qualities through charity, entrusting their goals with us. We keep our givers educated of the results they make conceivable.

In Nepal, we are shrewd however liberal in sharing assets, whether logistical or budgetary, with other Nepalese endeavors to help bankrupted kids and families.

We work with respectability, straightforwardness, and high moral benchmarks. While we are persuaded by empathy, we complete our work with polished methodology. Basic NYF's work is a gathering of competent experts who convey years of experience and ability to our main goal. Our work includes love for kids as well as improvement of frameworks, finish, and unlimited points of interest, all tuned toward the single objective of upgrading our capacity to help the youngsters.

Our Capacity

The Nepal Youth Foundation's staff in Nepal has an abundance of involvement with working compelling projects that help kids in economical ways. They are completely Nepali and are profoundly dedicated to enhancing the situation of hindered kids in Nepal. In the middle of NYF and our accomplice associations all through Nepal, 150 staff individuals actualize our ventures. Find out about our budgetary limit.

Program Evaluations

We assess our projects frequently to decide how they can be more powerful. The assessments incorporate measuring the results of every system on the kids we help, their guardians, and their groups, contrasting these results with comparative measurements in earlier years, and looking at the wellbeing and scholarly advance of kids we backing to the national midpoints in Nepal. Besides, we have a complete assessment from an outside firm like clockwork, and the Social Welfare Council of the legislature of Nepal assesses our association at regular intervals.

If it's not too much trouble get in touch with us at info@NepalYouthFoundation.org on the off chance that you would like more data.

The Nepal Youth Foundation's Privacy Policy:

The protection of every last giver is regarded. We don't share, offer, or generally disseminate contributor records or individual data about our givers. We don't send mailings for the benefit of different associations. If it's not too much trouble get in touch with us at info@NepalYouthFoundation.org or

(415) 331-8585 on the off chance that you have changed your contact data or on the off chance that you have questions about the data we gather. Our records are kept secure utilizing 

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